The film centers on young Mariah, a little girl who dreams of getting a dog for Christmas year after year. This Christmas her dream is fueled after seeing a puppy named Princess at the local pet store. To see if she's ready for the responsibility, Mariah is tasked with dog-sitting her uncle's crazy canine Jack, who upends the family's holiday preparations with his various shenanigans.钟远和董颖的师父,八卦门的掌门是一个小老头,看上去有五六十岁了,头发灰白。眼神很明亮,身形看上去很灵活,为人中规中矩,听徒弟钟远和女儿董颖说陈源救了他们,就客气地对陈源表示了感谢,然后让钟远给陈源、苏云以及陶艺安排休息的房间去了。